INDIE Ed I is a non-profit public-benefit organization which, through studied resourcefulness, fosters cooperative educational environments worldwide that empower learners, develop their potential, and cultivate their character. The work of INDIE Ed I awakens learners to the power of education and helps them to acquire the tools and skills that are essential for them to harness this power for the sake of their lifelong happiness. Also, INDIE Ed I provides opportunities for people, irrespective of their background or age, to learn; it supports students to succeed in school and creates conditions for harmonious relationships to bloom in the communities it serves.


What we do

Learning Resource and Community Engagement Centers

INDIE Ed I aims to build learning resource and community engagement centers in the communities it serves to promote lifelong learning; improve access to education; encourage students’ success, retention, and graduation rate; and create opportunities for dialogue in these communities.
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What is the Point? Workshop

The workshop, “What is the Point?”, helps learners acquire a foundational and intuitive understanding of the purpose of education and learning. This workshop empowers participants to take ownership of their education and assist them to transcend their feeling of disempowerment.
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Learners Support Initiatives

INDIE Ed I aims to build learning resource and community engagement centers in the communities it serves to promote lifelong learning; improve access to education; encourage students’ success, retention, and graduation rate; and create opportunities for dialogue in these communities.
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Learning Resource and Community Engagement Centers

NDIE Ed I has innovative programs intended to support teachers. Utilizing its convening powers, the INDIE Ed I program team connects teachers to resources, that would have otherwise been out of their reach, for their professional development.
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Call to Action

Ready to set the world ablaze with LOVE? Share your ideas with us or volunteer to raise the next generation of capable leaders or if you are busy now, cheer us on from the sideline!